Sunday, 26 January 2014

January Health and Fitness Challenge: Week Three Round Up

I've had annual leave from work this week, so have had absolutely no excuses for being lazy. But, I have been. The only exercise I've done for the week has been for this challenge. I've not been to the gym, I've not been to classes and I've definitely not been running. Oh dear.

Here's how I got on with this week's tasks:

On Monday set a timer for 60 seconds and count how many press ups you can do. Every day repeat that number of press ups again, adding on at least 2 more each time. Don’t time yourself after the first day, just aim to complete more press ups than the previous day: Oh my word. I'm absolutely terrible at press ups, I won't lie. On Monday I only managed to do 11 and that was a struggle!! But, I persevered each day and added on two more each time, but today it definitely took me longer than 60 seconds!

Don’t eat any ‘naughty’ desserts until the weekend. Try not to overdo it at the weekend either!: Generally, I don't eat desserts at home. If I'm looking for something to nibble on after dinner I'll have greek yoghurt or fruit, but normally a wee peppermint tea is all I need. Yesterday was my aunt's birthday so I baked a victoria sponge and had one slice yesterday and one today so I think I did alright with this one!

Fiona's just put up this week's challenge and it looks like a fun one! We've to do activities that we love, and have good wholesome breakfasts. This, I can do.

How are you all getting on with your January goals?

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